The Wait
By Staples Revolution

Hello my loyal Stapleholic, tonight The Stapler is writing about a fear, we all go thought as we wait in anticipation for May 3rd, the opening of Spider-Man The Movie. The Stapler feels that we the buyers and loyal followers of Spider-Man, are being hit with ads of Spider-Man doing everything a spider can, but we are yet to be hit with what is the content of the film or what the characters are like or what is the feel of the movie. This reminds The Stapler a lot of Star Wars Episode One's ad campaign, in which we see a lot of action and special effects but no real good view of the film, this then makes The Stapler think, does George Lucas has a school for advertising, learn from new Star Wars series how to fool the viewer. Hit the market with everything the viewer wants to see, then the viewer will question what is up after he has paid to see it. I, The Stapler have been a loyal Spider-Man follower even though the clone saga, and this has been a big question on The Stapler's mind, can Sam Rami pull off our favorite web-slinger just like 20th Century Fox did with the X-Men. For keep in mind loyal Stapleholics, until Blade, Marvel hadn't one successful tie-in, other then the old Hulk TV series with the late Bill Bixby. That is along time to get the ball rolling and now we got Spider-Man, lets hope Columbia Pictures pulls this off right and not give us another Howard The Duck.

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