Steam Detectives Vol. 4
By Staples Revolution

  Hello again, this is another review from Staples Revolution, and this one is on Viz's Steam Detectives vol. 4. The Staples thought it was a really cool book. If you know Staples, he loves Manga. This is one of the best imported into America today. It is from writer and artist, Kia Asamiya. The story is about the boy detective, Narutaki. Along with the help of Ling Ling the nurse, his megamation Goriki, and Hawakubo the butler, the boy detective stops the evildoers of Steam City.
  In the first adventure, The Narutaki Detective Agency is first hired to protect the lawyer, Liza Fleisher, from Don Death. Don Death is punishing the guiltyof Steam City. The second story within the pages of the book is a pitting of Narutaki against an old enemy, Le Bread. With the help of Ling Ling's older sister, Lang Lang, Narutaki is running throughout Steam City finding bombs. He has a limited amount of time and only a few clues to work with. The clues are set within five riddles.
  Staples highly recommends that you put down your X-Men comics or Playstation games and go find this book at your local comic book store or bookstore! You won't go wrong. For if Staples likes it, maybe you might too.

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