WWF Back Talk'IN Crusher
By Staples Revolution

While The Staples was cruising the toy isles at the local Toy "R" Us, he discovered this new item hanging from a peg within the designated wrestling figure area. It was a new talkin WWF figure. The likeness was uncanny. It is amazing how much the toys resemble their character, with this Real Scan technology. But what the Staples liked the best was that there is HHH a.k.a. The Game within the new set of figures. So the Staples proceeded to purchase this gem of a find to test how much pain The Game could really take. So far, the Staples dropped, slammed, bounced, and so forth just to hear the cerebral assassin’s screams of pain and listen to the taunts that The Game delivers. HHH has taken a lot and can still take more. But with all the play or torment this figure his taken, The Staples has noticed The Game can't do a good Pedigree to other figures like Saggot from the Street Fighter Alpha round 2 toy line. Other than that problem, the Back Talk'In Slammers are a big improvement from the last generation of talkin WWF figures from Jakks, if can read what The Staples is saying.

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