Ninja Boy #1
By Staples Revolution

Hello my loyal Stapleholics and welcome to my review about comics. This one is on Wildstorm's new title, Ninja Boy. This title feels and reads like something out of a Japanese anime. It is tale about Nakio of the Mugen ninja clan, who is just sent out on his first ninja mission to right a wrong done to a merchant's family. The Stapler can't tell much without ruining a good read for his Stapleholics. This title is really cool looking and the art of Ale Garza and Dan Norton is great. The characters animate fluently in the panels. Plus, the art is complemented by the coloring skills of Guy Majors. This title is one of the first in along time that The Stapler has picked up, for fear of being let down by Wildstorm like past accords for example, Danger Girl or Battle Chaser, which where plagued with the question of when the next was going to come out. I hope Wildstorm doesn't make the same mistake as before, and they keep the fans happy. This one might be the one to place Wildstorm back on the comic map, and not a company riding on DC's back. So for now The Stapler is signing off.

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