Changing Lanes
By Popcorn Avenger

In these trying times, it is becoming harder and harder to "do the right thing"... it is a task in and of itself to even determine what the "right thing" is anymore. This idea is the driving (no pun intended) concept of Changing Lanes. When up and coming lawyer Gavin Banek(a worthy performance by Ben Affleck) accidentally has an accident with recovering alhoholic and stuggling father Doyle Gipson (another strong Samuel L. Jackson role) the moral dilema of "do two wrongs make a right?" is set into motion. Throughout the film we are witness to an amoral game of chess between two men struggleing with the complexities of "the right thing". In the process, the two men almost destroy each other easily identifying the other's faults, but having a more difficult time identifying their own. Banek's situation is worsened by his own family. It would seem that those with more to lose are proportionatly less scrupulous, as is evidenced in Banek's wife (Amanda Peet) and father-in-law (Sydney Pollack in the film's best performance, oscar caliber). For a fine moral allegory of our times, do yourself a favor and watch Changing Lanes.


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