Monsters, Inc
By Popcorn Avenger

Did you ever wonder why children are afraid of their closests at night? Did you ever wonder why a monster would scare a child? These questions are addressed in Walt Disney and Pixar’s fourth big screen outing together. We discover that the reason that monsters scare children is not to be mean, but to power their civilization’s vast infrastructure. As we in California are facing an energy crisis, it seems that the citizens of Monsteropolis are also facing an energy crisis: Kids just aren’t scared of monsters anymore. The dilemma is now, how do the monsters power their cities? This was a very charming story (although not as much fun as Toy Soty 1 & 2, nor does it offer the type of multi-generational humor of Shrek). No one beats Pixar in the field of animated graphics, and although there are several studios that are very good, when you see Monsters, Inc you will see the best in computer animation. Both John Goodman and Billy Crystal are perfectly cast as out monstrously charming protagonists. While this film offers a good time, it does tend to drag a bit in the middle, but a clever chase through the door storage facility illustrates the power of the Pixar animation team.


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