Ocean's Eleven
By Popcorn Avenger

Ever since Sinatra, Martin, Davis Jr., Bishop, and Lawford stopped hanging together, the industry has been in desperate need of a “cool” clique. Well, if Pitt, Clooney, Damon, and company decides to hang out, then the rat pack has found their heir apparents. Ocean’s Eleven is a remake of the classic Rat Pack film. Although, critics only view it mildly at best, you cannot deny the stamp it made on Vegas culture and the American Pop Culture scene for that matter. The new Ocean’s Eleven is a worthy, if not better, film. Steven Soderbergh’s deft use of the camera not only invites us to watch, but also makes us feel as though we are a part of the action. He also knows how to keep us out of the action so that there are still surprises for us. The performance of George Clooney reconfirms that he is a movie star, and not simply a television star who made it. With this film, I also believe Brad Pitt can finally quite those critics who insist that he is just another pretty face. Both of these guys out act, out cool, and outshine, some of their more critically acclaimed cohorts in this film. This is truly a must see film.


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