Planet of the Apes (2001)
By MattDogg

Don't go to this film expecting to see a retelling of the original 1968 movie. Instead, the newest movie to bare the name "Planet of the Apes" is an original story with all new characters. Up until the day before the film was released, I had no intention of seeing it. However, I am glad that I decided to go ahead and see it. Even though I really don't care much for Mark Wahlberg, he was pretty f*cken' harsh in this movie. Tim Roth's performance as the Evil General Thade was top notch. The special effects were not bad, but the real marvel is the excellent make-up effects. The story in this film is not as in depth as the one in it's sixties predecessor. However the lack of story cuts down on the movie's downtime. I wish there had been a longer fight sense between Attar and Krull. Overall, the move wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, and I'm glad I saw it. But, I wouldn't want to see it again for a while.


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