Atlantis: The Lost Empire
By Popcorn Avenger

While computer animation is the in-vogue thing with studios now, it is refreshing to see that the studio that revolutionized hand animation still uses line drawings to tell a story. The down side to 60-plus years of storytelling is that sometimes the stories are letdowns. It is not that Atlantis is a bad film, it is just that it is not really a good film either. The story centers around Milo Thatch(voiced by Michael J. Fox), an under-recognized scholar who has dedicated his academic pursuits to discovering the lost city, and he is a joke to the academic community. When an eccentric billionaire finances him, he joins a group of mercenaries who are more interested in exploiting Atlantis’s power source than studying the city. Although the animation is top-notch, the story drags at times? And where are those trademark musical numbers? Perhaps Disney should not worry about competing with DreamWorks (whose Shrek is one of the breakout hits of the summer) and focus on development of story and character.


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