Miss Congeniality
By Popcorn Avenger

Okay, I’ll admit, I was taken by her bus driving abilities in Speed and charmed by her in While You Were Sleeping, but we really do need to find another character for Ms. Bullock. We will only buy her I-am-not-the-princess-of-the-ball-routine for so long. Bullock is homely FBI agent, Gracie Hart, and she is assigned to protect the Miss United States contestants from a serial killer. Victor Melling(Michael Caine) steps in as a beauty consultant and transforms Agent Hart from ugly duckling to (surprise, surprise) beautiful swan. Sandra Bullock is more than capable of pulling off this part, which contains all the depth of a child’s wading pool. The biggest disappointment is that while Agent Hart delves deeper and deeper into her beauty pagent persona, she becomes one of them. This film had potential to be a winner; unfortunately, it is not even a runner-up.


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