Osmosis Jones
By Popcorn Avenger

Well here is a true gem that slipped right past me last summer. I must admit, that the prospect of watching a virus ravage Bill Murray's body was not a promising one... and based on the box office reciepts, nor was it for anyone else. However, this is one of the smartest movies of last summer. The Farelley's took the formulaic cop-film story and gave it new life, literally. The cop is a white blood cell known as Osmosis Jones (voiced by Chris Rock). His job with the help of a sidekick cold pill (voiced to Buzz Lightyear type perfection by David Hyde Pierce) is assigned to a routine cold investigation, that turns out to be a deadly virus. Meanwhile, Bill Murray is trying to relate to his health conscious daughter. From what I remember about high school biology, the biological perspective seems to be fairly accurate. Look for notable vocal performances from Kid Rock, Laurence Fishbourne, and the great William Shatner. This is one bug you should definately catch.


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