Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back By Staples Revolution
I Know all the Stapleholics out there are wondering, "What the f*ck is The Stapler doing, writing a mother f*cking movie review?" The Stapler won't bend over for his hetro-life mates, editor and webmaster, and write a stupid suck-up piece on Kevin Smith, but rather The Stapler, himself, will share with all his Stapleholics out there that there is life outside the New Jersey area. This life comes in the form of all the bizarre characters in Kevin Smith’s View Askew world.
In this chapter of Jay and Silent Bob's life, we follow them on a quest to stop the production of The Bluntman and Chronic film. The integrity of the pair is being slandered on the internet. They need to get hold of that Tracer, Banky, from Chasing Amy for money not paid to them for usage of their likenesses. We, of the fanboy persuasion, will enjoy all jokes that poke at Star Wars, Sci-Fi shows, Internet rumors, and the movie industry of today. But that is not all, we get to see Joe Quesada, artist on Kevin Smith's Daredevil, get some from Eliza Dushku a.k.a. Faith from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Come on Stapleholics, you can't tell me you wouldn't buy that for a dollar.
In closing, The Stapler feels that all of his Stapleholics should go out and support one of our own, Kevin Smith, because not until May 2002, when Spider-Man comes out will there be another comic related film on the big screen. Then it will prove, yet again, how amazing a comic adapted film can be under the control of yet another fanboy favorite, Sam Rami.

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