The Human Wars By Staples Revolution
This is one of the best follow-up series to a movie that The Stapler has read. It lives right up there with the old Marvel Star Wars comics that came after the Empire Strikes Back. In this series of the Planet of the Apes, we find that world hasn't changed since the departure of astronaut, Leo Davison. Mankind is still fighting in Ape City for freedom. Lead by Esau, this time mankind has friends within Ape City's wall. The villain this time leading the call to arms is the illegitimate daughter of General Thade, Minister Shiva. She wants to place an end the human race once and for all. This title is a great three part miniseries from Dark Horse comics. It leads us into the new age of the Apes and Humans. The world is much more darker and holds secrets that have yet to be revealed. Also they have great covers by J. Scott Campbell of Danger Girl fame. His work graces each issue. This September 2001 Dark Horse will be launching the ongoing series that is headed with the same creative team that brought you the Human War. This should be a real treat with cover work by comic great, Matt Wagner. So if you haven't seen the movie go! And then find The Planet of Apes: Human Wars to enjoy the future of the Ape City. If you can read what The Stapler is saying. Back to Index |