G.I.*JOE: A Real American By Staples Revolution
In the aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, America was calling out for images of hope and patriotism as The Stapler was cruising the local comic shop, he noticed on the new rack a title that hasn't been seen in years, G.I.*JOE: A Real American Hero #1, now published by Image Comics, which was crowned with a J. Scott Campbell cover done in classic Mike Golden style. And so The Stapler gathered up his weekly reads and this title too. But The Stapler couldn't wait to get home to check out this title, and it was damn good read too.
In this revival of this title, the Cobra Commander has been hiding out in dissident countries the last few years, and is now back in America to restart his terrorist organization known COBRA. Now seven years after the disbanding of the JOE team, the President has reactivated the JOE team to fight COBRA with Duke in change organizing of it. The Stapler can't say anymore for it might ruin the fun of reading it for all Stapleholics out there. But Issue One of G.I.*JOE is like a "class reunion" of old friends, who we grew-up reading about from Marvel Comics or watching on TV each afternoon after school as we follow the exploits of the JOE team as they battle COBRA The Enemy. The Stapler can't wait for issue two to come out, for like the old Larry Hama JOE stories, The Stapler wanted more, not a to be continued. So until next time, YO JOE!

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