Vandala II By Staples Revolution
Last week on The Stapler's local comic book run, The Stapler's comic book load was filling a little light, so The Stapler thought lets get one more and sure enough there was this great cover by Ed Benes from Chaos! Comics on Vandala II. So The Stapler grab it up, and went about his merry way. This comic was yes chosen for it's T&A factor cover, but as The Stapler turn to the splash page, within the credits was none other then Peter David, which placed my mind at easy that this was not going to read like a normal Chaos! title. And so with visual provided by Ed Benes and colors by Hi-Fi, Peter David put out really good tale about a Valkyrie, who is trying to rebuild Asgard after Ragnarok. It was good to read from Chaos!, and it was good to read a title done by Peter David again and if you have chance all my Stapleholics outer there check this title out.

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