By Staples Revolution To all out there in the web, our lone artist-photographer-Poke'mon trainer, Russell Barba has find something new in the toy aisle, the Destiny's Child dolls from Hasbro and they are really weak for a celebrity doll from Hasbro. This line has limited movement and not too many extras for the price as trade off. But like all Hasbro celebrity lines like Star Wars, S Club Seven, or Planet of the Apes dolls or actions figures, you would think they would design a figure without huge head or design a bigger body to support it. But out of the three women in the band, the one named Kelly is the best looking piece in the line, only the gaudy blue Grammy's outfit drags it down. The Stapler noted as he was talking with Russell is that for a big music licenses like this, why would Toys R' Us have them crammed in corner on a low shelf, but a loser toy like Jakk's Josie and Pussycats still gets prime shelf space next to Sailor Moon. Back to Index |