The Amazing Spider-Man, issue 36 By Staples Revolution
Hello all my Stapleholics, and tonight The Stapler is doing the "Time Warp" not the dance but a read that place us the reader at ground zero on September 11, 2001, at the remains of the Twin Tower as the heroes of the Marvel Universe help in the aftermath of this tragedy. This tell is told from the most human of the heroes, Spider-Man as he ponders on the events that have now effected his life as well as ours. This tale of our favorite Wallcrawler, was brought to you by writer J. Michael Straczynski, and artists John Romita Jr.and inks of Scott Hanna with colors by Avalon's Dan Kemp. So if you are lucky to get one of these issues read it, don't put it because it might be worth a few bucks, read it my Stapleholics you won't regret it.
