Fury By Popcorn Avenger
In the sixties, success of such war themed comics as Sgt. Rock spawned several other comic titles; rival company Marvel Comics created Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos. The protagonist of the title survived through World War II, and into The Cold War as a secret agent of SHIELD (a paramilitary, top secret, espionage organization). During the tail end of The Cold War, Fury became the director or SHIELD, but since the end of The Cold War, Nick Fury has wondered aimlessly from one superhero title to another. He has been revisited again in the MAX title Fury. Like James Bond, this title uses The Cold War’s end as a plot device for an outdated hero. Fury has been promoted so high into SHIELD that he no longer knows what the organization is up to. He feels the need for combat again… and more importantly he feels obsolete. This is an interesting plotline for a war veteran, but I can’t help but wonder, where will it go? Once Fury comes to terms with his new role in this century, what will be the conflict of the comic. And like James Bond, will he be able to re-establish himself in a post-Cold War world?
