Evil Ernie Returns By Staples Revolution
The last interesting read from Chas! comics was the Vanallda 2 issue, but the Stapler has discovered another title, which is a character that hasn't seen action in a while, it is Evil Ernie. The Stapler will be honest withall his Stapleholics, The Stapler was not a big fan of the original series that have been print, but The Stapler decided to give it a shot, Evil Ernie: Returns was a really good read. It is wrote by the creator of Evil Ernie, Brian Pulido who has gone but to what did make the character great, the art in the goes back to the old look of black and white comics, back when everyone and there mother put out their own comics. The one problem, The Stapler did have with title was kind of Crowest for the return of Evil Ernie, but it will be interesting to see how Brian Pulido will explore this. But The Stapler does recommend that his loyal Stapleholics out on the web check this issue out and get a taste of comic history as Evil Ernie returns onto the comic scene.

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