Detonator: Orgun By Staples Revolution
The Stapler found the anime, Detonator: Orgun to be one of the most boring anime title, The Stapler has seen in a while. This tape had all three episodes of the series collected on one tape, which was about giant mech warrior verus intergalactic giant robots to save Earth from destruction. Orgun was pretty disappointing from the director of Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture or Battle Arena Toshinden, Masami Ohbari. As U.S. Manga didn't do Mr. Ohbari piece justice for they had three rate voice actors for this flick. The Stapler does not recommended this anime to his Stapleholics but if it is the last thing at Blockbuster you haven't seen in anime or have time to kill, rent and painfully watch this 159 minutes of predicability.

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