Top 10 Active Wrestlers

1. Chris Jericho

2. Christian
3. Edge
4. Kurt Angle
5. Rhyno
6. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
7. Booker T
8. Test
9. Big Show
10. Billy Gunn

Top 10 Wrestlers Turned Actors

1. Edge- Highlander Endgame

2. George " The Animal" Steele- Ed Wood
3. The Rock- The Mummy Returns
4. Roddy Piper- They Live
5. Andre" The Giant"- The Princess Bride
6. Hulk Hogan- Suburban Commando
7. Tyler Mane- X-Men
8. Mick Foley- Big Money Hustla$
9. Steve Austin- Nash Bridges
10. HHH- The Drew Carrey Show

Top 10 Actors

1. Brad Pitt

2. Mark Wahlberg
3. Ben Stiller
4. Owen Wilson
5. Jason Lee
6. Luke Wilson
7. Brendan Fraser
8. Don Cheadle
9. Hugh Jackman
10. Ewan McGregor
Honorable Mention: Christopher Lambert

Top 10 Film Makers

1. George Lucas

2. Kevin Smith
3. Guy Ritchie
4. Wes Anderson
5. P.T. Anderson
6. Tim Burton
7. David Fincher
8. The Coen Brothers
9. Michael Bay
10. Bryan Singer

Top 10 Bands

1. Nirvana

2. Tool
3. Robbie Williams
4. A Perfect Circle
5. Weezer
6. Kid Rock
7. Creed
8. Everclear
9. Stone Temple Pilots
10. Bush

Top 10 Movies

1. Empire Strikes Back

2. Fight Club
3. Boogie Nights
4. The Mummy
5. Bottle Rockets
6. Mystery Men
7. X-Men
8. Rocky
9. Ed Wood
10. Dogma

Top 10 Movies I Hate

1. Monty Python and the Holy Gail

2. The Matrix
3. The Blair Witch
4. Johnny Mnemonic
5. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
6. Kids
7. Mission Impossible 2
8. Dances with Wolves
9. Scary Movie
10. Reality Bites

Top 10 Hotties

1. Claire Forlani

2. Kristen Dunst
3. Selma Hayek
4. Shannon Elizabeth
5. Eliza Dushku
6. Gweneth Paltrow
7. Halle Berry
8. Rachael Weiz
9. Cameron Diaz
10. Neve Campbell

Top 10 Comic Book Characters

1. Wolverine

2. Green Lantern ( Hal Jordan)
3. Captain America
4. Cyclops
5. Raphael
6. Green Arrow
7. Superman
8. Tick
9. Cable
10. Nightwing

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