10. |  | Dogma | Dogma is definitely my favorite of Kevin Smith's View Askew series of films. (I must admit, that Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back was almost better than Dogma) I am a big fan of all of these films, but if I had to pick one to represent them in my top ten list, then I would have to pick Dogma. This is by far one of the funniest movies ever made. | "I feel like I'm Han Solo, he's Chewie, you're Ben Kenobi, and we're in that f*cked up bar!" - Jason Mews (Jay) |
09. |  | Star Trek: First Contact | Again, I am a big fan of this entire series of films (with the exception of Star Trek The Motion Picture - It's sooooooo boring!). This was a very close toss-up between Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn and First Contact. Being the TNG fan that I am, I decided to go with Captain Picard and his valiant crew on this one. Plus, The Enterprise E is F*cking awesome!!! | "The invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! I will make them pay for what they've done!" - Patrick Stewart (Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard) |
08. |  | Armageddon | This movie is bad-ass! Bruce Willis rocks ass in this flick. This movie will excite you, as well as make you laugh and cry. It is one of those movies where you just can't help but cheer for the heroes. This movie features a cast of characters that you just have to fall in love with. | "I'm not gonna kill him. I'm just gonna take off a foot. A man can work with one foot." - Bruce Willis (Harry Stamper) |
07. |  | The Last Star Fighter | In the tradition of great Science Fiction movies, The Last Starfighter is a true masterpiece. Over the years, this film has not been as recognized as many of the other films of the genre that hit the scene around the same time (i.e. The Empire Strikes Back). But, Starfighter was a state-of-the-art movie for its time, and deserves more respect then it gets. It is a story of a young man who finds himself in the middle of an inter-galactic war, and he isn’t sure what choices he should make. On one side he has his family and friends on Earth, and on the other he is the last hope for a dying people millions of light-years away. The Last Starfighter is truly one of the greatest, yet most under-rated Sci-Fi films of all time. | "Greetings Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada." - Robert Preston(Centari) |
06. |  | Independence Day (ID4) | A black man, a Jew, and a red neck save the world form an alien invasion. It doesn’t get much better than that. I like this movie for much of the same reasons that I like Armageddon, and in many ways these two movies are very similar. Perhaps that’s why they both made it into my top ten. This is just an all around entertaining movie. | "Yes, yes. Let's try it again. Without the OOPS. - Jeff Goldblum (David Levenson) |
05. |  | Jackie Brown | Jackie Brown is by far the most underrated film of Quintin Tarintino. I think most people including myself went into this film expecting Pulp Fiction II. I must admit that I did not like this film when I first saw it, but after I started to appreciate the work of Samuel L. Jackson, I gave Jackie Brown a second chance. After the second viewing I realized that this movie was f*cking cool. I think this is Sam Jackson's best work. | "AK-47. When you absolutely, positively gosts to kill every mother f*cker in the room. Accept no substitute." - Samuel L. Jackson (Ordel Robbie) |
04. |  | Jurassic Park | My favorite book becomes one of my favorite movies. This film really makes you think that Dinosaurs could once again roam the earth. JP spawned two sequels, but neither of them come close to being as good as the original. There is a great cast of characters in this movie, but the real stars are the dinosaurs. Jurassic Park will go down in history as the greatest Tech-thriller ever. | "Eventually you'll have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour?" - Jeff Goldblum (Dr. Ian Malcolm) |
03. |  | Terminator 2: Judgment Day | T2 set the bar for special effect movies when it came out. This is Arnold Schwartzenegger at his best. This is another one of those cool ass blockbusters that I can't get enough of. | "Come with me if you want to live." – Arnold Schwartzenegger(T-800) |
02. |  | Shaft (2000) | With Samuel L. Jackson as my favorite actor, how can this move not be high up on my top ten? This is the coolest movie that I have ever seen. I was never a fan of the original Shaft movies, but when I heard that Sammy J. was going to play John Shaft, I couldn’t wait to go see it. | "Who delivers ten times out of ten?" - Samuel L. Jackson (John Shaft) |
01. |  | Star Wars | Not only the greatest Science Fiction Movie, but the best movie ever! I have loved this movie since the first time that I saw it when I was a kid. As a matter of fact, I love all of the Star Wars Movies. This is a film that no matter how many times I watch it I like it as much as the first time I saw it. I have seen this move over 150 times, so I know what I am talking about. Having seen it that many time it had better be my favorite movie. | "When I left you I was but the learner, now I am the Master." - James Earl Jones (Darth Vader) |