Top 10 Active Pro Wrestlers
1. The Rock

2. Ric Flair
3. Shane O’Mac
4. Diamond Dallas Page
5. Steve Blackman
6. Vincent K. MacMahon
7. Stephanie McMahon
8. Steve Austin
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. (tie)Steven Regal/Kurt Angle
Top 10 Movies
1. Shawshank Redemption

2. Se7en
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Die Hard
5. Armageddon
6. National Lampoon’s Vacation
7. Chasing Amy
8. Magnolia
9. Planet of the Apes (1968)
10. Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man
Top 10 films I hate… I mean hate… I’m using the word hate here.
1. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

2. Matrix
3. The Blair Witch Project
4. Kids
5. Metroland
6. Tank Girl
7. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
8. Road Killers
9. Hamlet (2000)
10. The Cell
Top 10 Actors
1. Bruce Willis

2. William H. Macy
3. Edward Norton
4. Ben Affleck
5. Julianne Moore
6. Steve Zahn
7. John C. Reiley
8. Phillip Seymor Hoffman
9. Rob Schnieder
10. Chevy Chase
Honorable Mention: Craig Sheffer
Top 10 Filmmakers
1. Paul Thomas Anderson

2. Tim Burton
3. Michael Bay
4. David Fincher
5. Kevin Smith
6. Farrely Brothers
7. Steven Soderburg
8. David Mamet
9. Cohen Brothers
10. Frank Darabont
Top 10 Hotties
1. Elizabeth Hurley

2. Julianne Moore
3. Nicole Kidman
4. Halle Berry
5. Stephanie MacMahon
6. Selma Hayak
7. Rachel Weisz
8. Cameron Diaz
9. Amanda Peet
10. Reese Witherspoon
Top 10 Superheros
1. Batman

2. Aquaman
3. Falcon
4. Nick Fury
5. Hulk
6. Wolverine
7. Cyclops
8. Jughead
9. Iron Man
10. Guy Gardner
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