Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
By Staples Revolution
Hello again, my loyal Stapleholics, The Stapler is reviewing a new film, that The Stapler thought it wasn't going to be any good and really enjoy it, Harry Potter and The Sorcer's Stone. The Stapler really was surprised with this movie, for it had everything a good tale needs heroes, villains, creepy rooms, tough traps, and magic. This is one of these movies that really gets you hooked to see what will happen next to our hero. This film is a well crafted film by Chris Columbus, for he taking a children's story and making a film likable by both the older and the younger audiences. One of the coolest scenes in the film was broomstick sport, they play at Hogwart in which it plays out like something out of the book of George Lucas. And speaking of George Lucas with the previews before the film, we get treated to the Episode Two trailer, The Forbidden Love, in which we see a lot of the Anikin and Amadala in different love scene, and then some action and character shots from the film. This Thanksgiving all my Stapleholics go out and check this flick out, and discover the magic of Harry Potter.

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