By Staples Revolution
Hello all my loyal Stapleholics out on the web, tonight's review is on the return of Buffy The Vampire Slayer on UPN. The Stapler felt this need to be highlight within the pages of the FSI for this was a really good start for the show on a new network, which in the Stapler's view had gone bad on the WB, for The Stapler never did watch the last six episodes of last season for this reason. But the Stapler decide why in the blue hell not give The Slayer one more try. The season opener surprised the blue hell out of the Stapler for it was done very well like the Return of Superman from the dead after Doomsday beat the hell out of him. And now that I think about it did play out almost like the Return of Superman with everybody doing what they can to help in a world without Supes to protect Metropolis from the baddies of the world. This is what the "Scooby gang" with help of Spike and the Buffybot are doing at the start of the show. The show continues as an evil that only The Slayer can stop rides into town as the "Scooby Gang" is trying to resurrect Buffy. This then sets all the players in motion. The event in this episode has interesting twist to the Buffy The Vampire Slayer history and it is up to Josh Wheaton to continue with what has started through out this season or have quick clean up in next week's episode.
The one thing that The Stapler noticed is the loss of Giles, played by Anthony Head, whose character left half way thought the show. The Stapler feels that he will be missed, but then his character's part was getting smaller and smaller and going no where in the development department. Other then that, this season premiere was one of the best for the run of this show and hopes it can keep this quality the whole season. The Stapler signing off.
