The Justice League
By Popcorn Avenger
After the success of Batman and Superman, it is no wonder that the same animators would want to reinvent a classic from the 70’s and 80’s, The Super Friends. This time they’re called The Justice League and not only have they been given an animation face-lift, but they have also added new members; in addition to superhero staples Batman, Flash, Superman, and Wonder Woman, an African-American Green Lantern, Hawk-Girl, and J’onn J’onz, the Martian Manhunter. Noticeably absent are Hal Jordan (the Super Friends Green Lantern), Aquaman, and the Wonder Twins, Zan and Jana (as well as Space Monkey Gleek). While this film is a more faithful version to each heroes print counter-part, it lacks the story sophistication of Superman, and the stylistic noir of Batman. In the pilot, the group joins forces, thanks in part to the telepathic messages sent from the Martian Manhunter, to thwart an alien invasion. While The Justice League was not the most impressive of premieres, ti does have potential, especially once we get to know the new characters a little better. On suggestion for improvement: bring back Aquaman.
