Artificial Intelligence: A.I.
By Popcorn Avenger

When did Steven Spielberg turn in his sac and begin to make movies we should care about instead of movies we can enjoy. Now I do not mind that Mr. Spielberg has stretched his creative wings with films like ,em>The Color Purple,/em> and Schindler’s List (one of the truly great films of the 20th century), but has the man forgotten how to entertain. Hey, let us not forget that you made your name with such fun and enjoyable films as Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T. and Jurassic Park. Jump off that soapbox of pretension you have placed yourself on and entertain us again… “His love is real. But he is not”… unless this is about a vibromatic 3000, a beautiful blonde with bodacious ta-ta’s, and I find this tag line in the adult section of the local video store, who cares? I got news for you Stevie, the whole robot-looking-for-humanity-thing has been played out, or perhaps you missed D.A.R.Y.L., Bicentennial Man, or any number of Star Trek TNG episodes. I know this was a pet project of the great Stanley Kubrick for decades, but perhaps this concept should have been buried with him. So when all is said and done, I rate this movie… oh yeah, I didn’t watch it; I wouldn’t waste $8 on this played out story. Sorry Steve, call me when you lighten up.


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