Star Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace
By MattDogg

SWE1 is one of those movies that we know is a gigantic hunk o’ sh*t, but for some reason, we just cant get enough of it. I am not here to review the film. I am here to review the Special Edition DVD. I must admit, there is a lot of stuff crammed onto this two-disc set. First of all, let me tackle the deleted scenes. There is a reason that some scenes are omitted from a films final cut. My guess as to why these scenes were cut is that they are hideously boring. But in their defense, Star Wars fans are very loyal, and will jump at the chance to see new material.

I did however find the behind the scenes documentaries to be quite informative as well as entertaining. There are hours upon hours of footage to view. This disc also includes a twelve part documentary that was featured on Each of these segments are very short, and they chronicle different aspects of the film, from casting and pre-production, to fight choreography.

Speaking of, perhaps that best feature of this DVD, is that it is your key to unlocking an exclusive Star Wars Episode II trailer. This is the most action-oriented trailer of the three that have been released thus far. So if you are interested in that aspect of SWE2, then this might be an investment worth making. If you ask me, I think that the “Forbidden Love” trailer is much better, because you get a nice mixture of plot and action footage.

This DVD is packed with extras. It seems to me that the extras dwarf the actual film. But if you are like me and you love special features, this DVD is for you. It has it all from the “Duel of Fates” Music video, tons of trailers, and a few hidden suprises, including a two-minute gag reel. This gag reel isn’t very funny. How many times can we watch R2-D2 fall over and crash into stuff? To find out how to unlock the Easter Eggs, visit Over all I would have to say that this is a DVD worth owning, if for nothing else, the Episode II trailer. It is well worth the money when it comes to viewing time. If you plan to watch all the special features at once, make sure you can devote a whole day to it. This should not be a problem for most Star Wars fans; Just look how long we waited in line to see it in the theater.

8/10 (Despite the fact that the film sucks, I love it and can’t get enough of it.)

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