Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
By Logan Legacy
Jedi Knights beware there is a force out this summer that is coming for you. No! It’s not the attack of the clones. It is none other than Kevin Smith’s dynamic duo, Jay and Silent Bob. This team of hell raisers is not only striking the big screen but also your local record stores. The soundtrack to the summer film, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, is a collection of handpicked tunes from the creator himself, Kevin Smith. The collection touches on all styles of music. It includes rap, rock, classic rock, and even Bon Jovi. Yes, you read correctly Bon Jovi. It is about time Smith included the man who put New Jersey on the rock map in his film series that always include New Jersey. The soundtrack also offers many audio clips from the movie itself. The disc is also an enhanced CD for computers. A movie trailer to every Smith film, Internet links, and a video for Jay’s Rap can be found on the enhanced disc. The best part by far on the disc is Jay’s Rap. Perhaps, the biggest surprise on the album is the release of Dave Pirner’s song, Tube of Wonderful. This tune can be heard in the intro to Smith’s other film, Chasing Amy. Moreover, the disc has enclosed a five-dollar voucher to watch the film on the big screen. So if you weren’t going to see the film, you now have no excuse to miss it. As far as soundtracks go, it is all right. But since Kevin Smith’s past two films are either lacking a soundtrack or missing tunes from the film, Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back is worthy of a 8 out of 10. (If you don’t like my review, you can kiss my grits- NOOCH!!!!)

