Michael Jackson- BAD (Special Edition)
By Logan Legacy
Well, the King of Pop is back. He is gearing up for a new release and a return to the top of the pop charts. As a taste of things to come, Jackson has released special editions to his past hit albums. These albums consist of never before released tracks and interviews with producer, Quincy Jones. BAD have three unreleased tracks on it. The album has also been digitally remastered. The sound quality is awesome. Overall, the newly added material does not enhance the BAD experience. The new material is attached to the album itself. It would have been better to put it on a separate disc. It is hard to give an album with so many greats a low score. This album reminds me of the Re-releases of the Star War trilogy. The new stuff is nice but is a distraction to the masterpiece, itself. The Special Edition portion is worthy of a 6 out of 10.

