Rob Zombie - The Sinister Urge
By Logan Legacy

Rob Zombie in the past has produced some wicked tunes. His previous solo album was cryptically awesome. His latest album of new material the “ The Sinister Urge” was far from being an equal to “ Hellbilly Deluxe”. Zombie’s current work was much of the same. He didn’t grow at all or experiment much. The first single rocked. I was literally counting the days until its release. Sadly, Zombie missed big in my eyes. People save your money and just continue to listen to his previous work. Hopefully, Zombie will release a remix album of “ The Sinister Urge”. Maybe that will improve this collection of tunes. “The Sinister Urge” is worthy of a 7 out of 10.

Note- The reason the score is not lower is because WWF Superstar Edge’s entrance music is on this album

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