
The Undertaker: Fat Man Walkin'
By Logan Legacy
I think it is time the Deadman, Mark Calloway, hangs up his wrestling boots for a “ kiss the cook” apron. His current persona is nothing more than a “pussy whipped” husband. The introduction of his wife, Sara, has all but killed the Undertaker we had grown to love. Moreover, he is very stiff and slow in the ring. His sad attempts to perform a high risk move is as exciting as watching a beached whale trying to get back to the sea. Don’t get be wrong, I think the Undertaker is one of the sports greats but he needs to either improve himself or retire. Luckily for us, his on-screen brother, Kane, is taking the reins of being the supernatural bad-ass. Mark Calloway needs to also suck it up and let wrestlers such as DDP get over. Mark has had his time, and now should allow others to rule the world of sports entertainment.
