
By Logan Legacy
SummerSlam is setting up to be one of the crappiest pay-per-view cards this year. It saddens me that the WWF is quickly throwing it together. The only things going for it are the return of the Rock and a catchy theme song. The matches lined up for this summer extravaganza are as exciting as scratching my fat sac. Thus far the quality of matches are equal to or worse than a weekly televised show. The WCW wrestlers have been put down so much that trying to sell them as a threat is as easy as making the XFL sound like a good idea. If that is not bad enough, we are forced to watch the “Blundertaker” and Kane along with the always annoying, Sara, fight the Jersey underdogs, DDP and Kanyon. Dammit Blundertaker! Just job to DDP once, please. Make your otherwise lame story line advance. The Angle/Austin match should be interesting, but it is getting left in the dark by the Rock’s return. I remember when the title match was always the most important. The WWF creative is finally giving Booker T a character, unfortunately it is too little too late. He is already considered a “loser” in the eyes of the average wrestling fan. There is still a week until SummerSlam. This is plenty of time to improve the PPV card. The Jericho/Rhyno match could have the potential to be a classic. A RVD hard-core match should benefit the show too. Hopefully the WWF will stop trying to sell crap and put on a good show.
