
Here Comes a Story About a Hurricane (Helms)
By Logan Legacy
This past Monday marked the beginning of a new era for an otherwise forgettable wrestler. Hurricane Helms is that wrestler. Since his WWF debut, he has gone through three character names. With the ring ability of the Hardyz, this guy just couldn't get over with the fans. The WWF creative team really went all out for this guy. The usage of his comic-book related tatoo was pure genius. This kid is a living super hero. Hurricane Helms constantly talks about his two favorite heros, Green Lantern and Stone Cold. This charcter is very similar to the late great Owen Hart's Blue Blazer. Hopefully, the WWF will not try any stupid stunts with Helms. This character push is also a great thing for the alliance. The writers are finally trying to get the alliance over. Slowly, each one is getting character. Stasiack is a dumby, Booker T is a wanna be Rock, RVD is a "show boater", and the list goes on. I am really looking forward to the alliance future. I definetly feel a hurricane comin!
