
The Conchairto Heard Around the World
By Logan Legacy
It was a sad day for Edge and Christian fans this past Monday. We saw the break-up of the WWF’s greatest tag team in history. This is just a damn shame. E& C was the only tag team in the league with ring skills and charisma. There is a campaign that the WWF is trying to push Edge, but what about Christian? Christian is the better of the two. There is a fear that making him go heel will simply ruin him. Look at all great tag teams that have split in the past, one member is always put in the shadows. Stevie Ray, Rick Steiner, Marty Jannety, and Jim Neidhart are just a few examples. Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat just thinking Christian would join these “reekazoids”. There is some potential good to come out of this schism of brothers. We could possibly see a rivalry equal to the now infamous Owen Hart and Bret Hart feud. The masters of the conchairto are the only duo that can pull off such a hilarious fight. Knowing the track record of the WWF creative team, they will miss the proverbial bus. And sadly, Christian will be lost with X-Pac in mid-card hell. The next time the WWF decides to split a team, they should think of the Hardyz. At least, they both lack mic skills and hell no one likes Matt anyways!
