By Popcorn Avenger You know what I can’t figure out? Those people, and critics, who think that Titanic was a masterpiece, but were waiting in line to trash Uber-director, Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor. It seems Bay took his plays directly from James Cameron’s playbook. Here is the set up, the first hour and a half is a love story and the last hour and a half is a re-enactment of those fateful events of 1941, and our retaliatory air raid on Japan. Is this a good love story? Not really, but I must admit that Bay does have a visual style that somehow draws us into the most mundane of circumstances. While he has been criticized for having a visual style that is entirely too busy, he does know when to use it and when to hold off. He varies his tempo just enough so that the touching points of the story work as well as the high-octane style of Japan’s bombing of Pearl. In terms of the acting, Ben Affleck really did have a chance to shine, and Kate Beckinsale is absolutely charming, but do we need the Matt Damon wannabe. Look just because Affleck is in the film does not mean that his best friend need to look like his real life best friend. As for this DVD’s special features, it does have a behind-the-scenes documentary that does a fine job of pointing out where exactly the film was accurate (I suppose we infer its inaccuracies). It also has a documentary about the real events surrounding the tragic events of 12-7-41. One of the biggest complaints I have with this DVD is the fact that the movie is split, the first two-thirds on one disc and the final third on the other. With all of the stuff that we can fit onto a DVD, couldn’t Disney have found a way to get a three hour film to fit on one disc? I find it incredibly distracting to have to change discs just as I am drawn into the action. DVD 6.5/10 Because I hate putting in a second disc to finish the film Click here to read MattDogg's Review Back to Video/DVD Index |
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